Hibernate is a ORM framework which will map our database tables into our POJO classes. By this, we can do the database operations like insert, update, select and etc. When we come to hibernate mapping, we have the below relationships between entities as in RDBS, OneToOne OneToMany ManyToOne ManyToOne We can wire the relationships between… Continue reading Hibernate Mapping
Backbone JS Simple Application
BackboneJS is a light weight JavaScript library that allows to develop and structure client side applications that run in a web browser. It offers MVC framework which abstracts data into models, DOM into views and bind these two using events. This example illustrates the Simple Backbone JS application. The main components of Backbone JS we’ve… Continue reading Backbone JS Simple Application
Spring Singleton vs Prototype
Bean scopes will be specified by the scope attribute of the <bean/> element. We will see the example as we go down to this article. Spring bean has 5 different scopes which we listed below, Singleton Prototype Global Session Application When… Continue reading Spring Singleton vs Prototype
Communication between Backbone Views
There are few ways to communicate between two backbone views and model. Consider an application contains Menu view and you want to update the application area based on the menu selection. For example, consider an e-commerce application which contains the following views. 1. MenuView 2. Recharge View 3. Shopping View 4. Book Ticket View For… Continue reading Communication between Backbone Views
MongoDB with Spring framework
As we know, MongoDB is a no-SQL database. Before looking at the example of MongoDB with spring framework, we need to know few things about it.We can go for mongodb instead of relation databases, when your data is sort of document data which means you just need to open the document, do the changes and… Continue reading MongoDB with Spring framework
Installing NOOBS in SD card
To use Raspberry device, we need NOOBS boot loader to install any IoT Operating system such as Raspbian or Ubuntu mate. Following are the steps to install the NOOBS in SD card. 1. Insert an SD card that is 4GB or greater in size into your computer.(Preferred to use SD card adapter or SD Card… Continue reading Installing NOOBS in SD card
Eclipse MicroProfile
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Openshift is the platform offered as software as service. It is developed by Redhat. It is built around Docker containers orchestrated and managed by kubernetes. Openshift automates the build, deployment and management of application. Core Concepts of Openshift: Containers and images Pods and Users Projects and Users Builds and Image Streams Deployments Routes Templates Orchestration Containers (basic units… Continue reading Openshift
Cassandra Database Setup
Cassandra Database Setup Cassandra DB can be set up easily by using the docker image. If you do not have docker installed in your machine, please do it and follow the steps. #Pull the docker imagedocker pull cassandra #Run the docker image in a containerdocker run -p 9042:9042 –name my-cassandra -d cassandra:latest #Stop the docker… Continue reading Cassandra Database Setup