Katharsis (JsonAPI)

Katharsis What’s katharsis?  Elegant and powerful HATEOAS for Java based on JSON API standard. (from http://katharsis.io/) What’s HATEOAS? HATEOAS stands for Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State. It’s a very common concept in browser which we use daily without knowing. HATEOS is, Using Hyperlinks to change the state of an application. For example, our… Continue reading Katharsis (JsonAPI)


Redis – Getting Started

Install redis in mac Install redis  $ brew install redis To start the server, just type ‘redis-server’$ redis-serverGo to redis-cli & test the installation by store & get a key-value pair,$ redis-cli127.0.0.1:6379> set mykey myvalue-for-the-keyOK127.0.0.1:6379> get mykey“myvalue-for-the-key”>


NoSQL Databases

NoSQL database will give you the option to store your data in different formats which suit your business requirements rather than storing in a traditional way of RDBMS where you used to store in table format. There are different types of NoSQL DBs. We listed down those types in this blogs. Document DB We can… Continue reading NoSQL Databases


Ember Js

Overview Core concepts Object Model Computed properties Router Templates Components Models Managing Dependencies Application Concerns Ember Inspector


OAUTH2 flow types

Oauth2 flow types or grant types: Authorization code flow Implicit flow Resource owner flow Client credential flow 1. Authorization code flow                     If a third party web or mobile application wants access the resources from your server, we should choose this flow. 2. Implicit flow  … Continue reading OAUTH2 flow types


Spring Boot with AWS parameter store

[this post originally published here on Oct 27, 2019] In this post, there will be a demonstration of how to integrate AWS Parameter store with the spring boot application. So instead of placing all application configuration properties into application.properties file, we’ll store everything in the AWS Parameter store. First start a gradle java project will… Continue reading Spring Boot with AWS parameter store


Using etcd as property manager with Spring boot

What is etcd ? From official site, “etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system”. The most obvious use case for etcd is, using etcd as fault tolerant property manager for distributed applications and its being by kubernetes.
